8.1 Breathing: Theory
Breathing allows us to capture oxygen, thanks to which we can live and do physical activity, especially aerobic sports activity that involves more than approximately 30´´.
In this chapter, we are going to integrate breathing into all the movements we have done so far, and not break the technique by doing so.
To breathe, we must be able to move the entire trunk and head, as a single unit, and inhale in the rolling position, where the head must be kept completely aligned with the trunk and your gaze is lateral to the axis of your body, maintaining one eye below the water and the other above it. We will do the inspiration in the valley of the wave.
Once the inspiration is over, we will move on to the opposite roll, introducing the arm and the part of the head that was out of the water at the same time..
To facilitate inspiration we have to remove the shoulder and chin from the water at the same time, where the chin follows the shoulder, and not the other way around. Remember that the mouth is on the chin, and not on the forehead, so try to keep the chin and forehead on the same horizontal plane.
You have to be able to exhale the air when we do the arm propulsion, and match the inhalation with the recovery.
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8.2 Breathing: Practice
Breathing is the most important thing in any aerobic activity, and of course for maintaining life. Depending on how we breathe, I will oxygenate myself more or less, and I will slow down more or less, and what we want at all times is the maximum possible oxygenation, generating the least resistance when doing so. To do this, the key is to maintain the alignment of the head with the trunk at all times. We are going to see in this video the sequence of exercises to achieve this objective.
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8.3 Breathing: Training routine
Being able to breathe in the valley of the wave will allow you to maintain your body alignment and therefore you will not lose speed when breathing, and since the trunk and head will move as a single unit, your cervical spine will not be affected by the wave. breathing
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All lessons in this course
Efficient swimming Fundamentals course #1. Head placement
Efficient swimming Fundamentals course #2. Arm entry
Efficient swimming Fundamentals course #3. Cacth
Efficient swimming Fundamentals course #4. Propulsion
Efficient swimming Fundamentals course #5. Recovery
Efficient swimming Fundamentals course #6. Timing
Efficient swimming Fundamentals course #7. Rotation
Efficient swimming Fundamentals course #8. Breathing
Efficient swimming Fundamentals course #9. Efficient leg movement
Efficient swimming Fundamentals course #10. Two beat kick