According to the Ministry of Health, 16% of the Spanish population over the age of 18 is overweight and when we reach the age of 40, overweight is around 40% of the population and the figures are not getting better as we get older, despite the efforts of the food industry to sell light products, the campaigns on physical exercise and the proliferation of gyms and trainers everywhere. So what is going wrong?
If you find yourself within this statistic, something that will have happened over the years of dedication to others, in this video I will explain how to get out of it if you really want to.
Maybe you think you don’t have time because you dedicate 24 hours a day to your work, your family, your hobbies, your friends, your studies and that at the end of the day you don’t have the energy to take care of yourself, but all these are excuses we make for not making the change we want. Everyone, absolutely everyone, can take 20 minutes 6 days a week to improve your health and be more efficient during the remaining 23 hours and 40 minutes, and you will have more time for yourself. Plus, you’ll sleep better and have more energy during the day. So let’s see how this is possible.
Hello, I’m Rafa Aledo and I’m delighted to present this personal training program, tested during my 30 years of experience in my own personal center and now we jump the physical barrier to help you wherever you are, so let’s get to it.
When someone wants to change their lifestyle to improve their health, what is the first thing that comes to mind? ………….. Indeed, improving eating habits and getting more aerobic activity. But where do we start, how do we progress and how do we stay motivated to enjoy the transformation you want to make?

I will accompany you so that you can improve your health and well-being by improving your strength, endurance and nutritional habits, which will make you very happy and why not say it, as a result of these life changes you will see how your aesthetics improve a lot, but remember, these aesthetic improvements are the consequence, not the goal. If aesthetics is the goal, you will become a slave of your own body and this course is not for you.
In this health and wellness course, we will first make diagnoses and then look for the best way to improve your health and wellbeing.

Nutritional diagnosis
The first thing we will do is to know what your nutritional habits are and how to improve them in terms of food variety to make sure we do not have any deficiency. What are the best times to eat according to your lifestyle and how do we get the energy balance we need to function at 100%.

In this challenge we do not use diets, since by following good eating habits your quality of life will be the best possible. If you are looking to lose weight or gain weight in a drastic fast way, please do not sign up for this challenge and look for a doctor to supervise you.
In addition, if we improve our eating habits we will also find body weight balance as a consequence.
Aerobic diagnosis
In this diagnosis, we will see your aerobic capacity, that although we do not have to run a marathon to maintain our health, we must do enough aerobic activity, which can be achieved simply by walking, which is what our body is designed for after millions of years of evolution. If in your job you already walk enough, it is a job you have done, but if your job is to be sitting, if you have to make sure that every day you have provided the body with enough movement. In addition to walking, when we do other tasks such as tidying, cleaning, cooking, shopping, all this is also aerobic work and we will count it in our daily life.
If you are already a runner, swimmer, cyclist, walker or practice other aerobic sports you already have the endurance work done, but not the strength work, which is at least as important, and in my opinion more important to maintain health over the years, since strength is lost faster than endurance.

If you have a mobility problem and cannot walk, you will have to look for another aerobic activity, such as cycling or swimming, but we will see on a case-by-case basis, but every day we have to move enough.
Muscle health diagnosis
This is undoubtedly the great forgotten one. If you have good muscular health, you have a good quality of life, and you will surely be at your weight and your aesthetics will be what you want to see. Skeletal muscles are the largest organ of our body, so if they are healthy, you will be in great shape and your chances of getting sick will be slimmer and if you do, you will have a much better chance of recovering.

When your muscles are strong, you are also mentally strong to face whatever life puts in front of you, and if all goes well we will age with good quality of life and with enough strength to fully enjoy our golden years, but for this we must take charge of our muscular health today.
Therefore, in our health challenge, the priority will be muscular bone health and maintaining sufficient strength for life.
How are we going to carry out this challenge?
The most important thing is the commitment on your part to improve your health and my commitment is to accompany you on a daily basis so that with my advice you can enjoy your transformation.
We will have daily whatsapp communication and a weekly phone call and I will send you your weekly plan by drive shared with your email with the aerobic, muscular and nutritional training diary and I guarantee that if you keep your commitment, your quality of life will be great as you would have never thought possible.
In order to perform the muscle strength exercises correctly, I will send you video tutorials of all the exercises, which you can do with me at the beginning, but once you master them, you can do them while listening to your favorite pod-cast or following your music videos or documentaries. Everything that will help you to enjoy your 20′ daily of adapted muscular strength.
In our phone call, you will see that with a maximum of 20′, I will solve all your doubts and you will find the necessary support to not fail. The day after our phone call, you will receive again the weekly plan and so on until you will see that one day will come, where you will be completely happy with your transformation, and what is more important, you will have enjoyed it so much that you will not need it anymore, and at that moment my work will be finished, because what is easily achieved, is no longer a challenge and you will be able to continue happy all your life.
Optionally, you can also join the whatsapp group of people who have already made this transformation and do not need my help, but are happy to share their experience in their transformation with those of you who are still in the process.
As you can see, this method is as simple as it is effective. In the end, it will be your perseverance and my expertise advice and daily supervision, what will make you achieve your health and wellness goals. Life is complicated enough, let me help you in an easy way and you will be grateful for it all your life, as this gentleman has already achieved.
To access this personal transformation, fill out this form where I will ask you to tell me about your health situation so that I can assess your access to this challenge and schedule a free phone call to make the first assessment.
Salud & Bienestar.
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